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Showing 1–12 of 46 results
Antique hardcover Hard Times by Charles Dickens The Walter Scott publishing OT13
Antique hardcover Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriett Beecher Stowe coloured plates PLT2
Antique The Pilgrims progress 1858 by John Bunyan OT1a
Book 2006 The Secret Army Operation Loki Sophie Masson ill. Anthony Davis EPH1
The adventure story omnibus collins 1950s vintage childrens book hard cover
The Lord of the rings 3 the return of the King 1979 J.R.R. Tolkien Lwt6
Vintage book Automotive electrical equipment William H Crouse 1966 DBT2
Vintage book George Washington W.M Thayer illus J.E Sutcliffe YLBT4
Vintage book Lavender’s Blue A book of nursery Rhymes 1965 OT13
Vintage book St Bede’s College and its McCristal Originals 1896-1982 1st Ed 6WTPL
Vintage book The Graham Kerr Cookbook 1967 Put4
Vintage book Wesley’s Hymns Methodists a collection of Hymns 1877 YLBT4