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Vintage Miniature cake cheese caviar server x 2 EPNS cs-4 wc
Vintage Rodd silver cake server Berkeley cs-1 wc
Vintage silver cake server x 3 EPNS BGT2
Vintage Art Deco Bakelite Pedestal bowl Celtic plate England LBT5
Vintage small cake server EPNS B1 silver plate W & N cs-2 wc
Vintage small cake server EPNS A1 silver plate cs-3 wc
Vintage 11 x shaped cookie cutters heart, star, moon, clouds baking metal put4
Vintage animal boat car rabbit bear plastic cookie cutters put4
Vintage Nutbrown cookie and biscuit maker boxed SAU1
Vintage Cake stand J & G Meakin Sunshine Reg 561073 fine china LYLBT3
Vintage Spring push cake & Pastry server EPNS Apex Pit1
Vintage 3 x cake tins Raco round square and muffin baking anodised pink Rex OT3